Greater Midwest Classics

2007 Rallies and Events


Host: Lowell Olsen


Hosts: Jim & Teresa Dall

Date: July 2007

Location: Duluth, MN

Here are some photo's of the July-07 rally in Duluth, MN. Parking sites were located in the tall trees, and the campground had a great restaurant on the campground. 

Wagon Masters Teresa and Jim Dall hosted at the Buffalo House Campground about ten miles from Duluth. We had twenty coaches plus five who drove cars for a total of twenty-five members or about fifty people in attendance. We even had a couple from Indiana who belong to the Great Lakers join our rally and they commented to me about how friendly our club is and what a good time they had. Many arrived on Thursday and had a good time socializing prior to the official rally start on Friday.


Hosts: Bob & Marlys Drewes

Dates: June 5-7 2007

Location: Sioux Falls SD

We tried a mid-week rally for the first time and it was a success with twenty-five coaches in attendance---including 2 SOB’s. We started with the usual first night pot luck followed by a next morning business meeting and tech session. In the afternoon we were treated to a tour of EROS which is a government run complex in the South Dakota countryside and employs some six hundred people who use various methods of recording data regarding world wide waters, land mass, and atmosphere to track changes, predict future needs, etc. Their main source is satellite photography which yields some incredible pictures. We all traveled together
in a bus that Bob was able to get at no cost to us---still don’t know how he did that. It was an exceptional tour enjoyed by everyone. Wednesday evening we were treated to a super catered meal, arranged by Martin Luebke. By the time we left the winds had picked up and storm warnings had been issued. The storms never materialized so most of us slept through the night. The next morning we enjoyed a “breakfast in a bag” meal hosted by the Whites. Most of the members started for home after that, although several couples stayed another night and took in the sights at Sioux Falls.


Location: Amana, IA